EnrollmentBy a / November 25, 2023 ADMISSION FORM *Student Name0/20Admission Sought for Class:Academic Year0/4Last School Attented:0/20Date of BirthSex Male Female Other Tribe0/15NationalityIndian Others Religion:Christianity Islam Buddhism Hinduism and Judaism Father's Name0/20Mother's Name:0/20Mobile Number:Residential Address:0/80Emergency Contact Name:0/20Relative or other persons contact NAME in an emergency situation.Emergency Contact Number:Relative or other person contact NUMBER in an emergency.Relationship With Child:0/15*I authorise the administrator to give my child an analgesic if I cannot be reached and/or if my child appears to require such medication: YES NO Parents SignatureMax file size 1mbAnalgesic Consent Date:Please select the current date Fields with (*) are compulsory. Application Progress